Understanding plate tectonics and volcanic activities

Understanding plate tectonics and volcanic activities

Short presentation of the event:

Ova radionica održat će se online zbog epidemiološke situacije. Namijenjena je učenicima 8-ih razreda osnovne škole. Učenici će pogledati film na navedenu temu. Njihov zadatak je istražiti i u  digitalnom alatu Padlet prikazati sadržaje vezane za vulkane i potrese. Na istu temu u digitalnom obliku učenici će riješiti kviz.

This educational lecture will be held online due to the epidemiological situation. It is intended for 8th grade elementary school students. Students will watch a film on the topic. Their task is to research and display the contents related to volcanoes and earthquakes in the digital tool Padlet. Students will solve a quiz on the same topic in digital form.


Objectives: Promocija geografije i podizanje svijesti o prirodnim nepogodama

Event language: hrvatski jezik

Country: Hrvatska

City: Zadar

The event will be:Online

Link (for online events): https://padlet.com/manuelamargeticlongin/4oc3t8hwvvuf3dmu  https://padlet.com/manuelamargeticlongin/zscw5cfog9mj6byo



https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx? id=FvJamzTGgEurAgyaPQKQkeGJlWQS29tOrHQpmX5uboZUNVQ2S0IyN01XQUFKSUJHNTAyMkIyMDcwUi4u

Reference person: Manuela Margetić Longin, Željko Pijaca

Role or Function: Učitelj

Reference Organization (if any):

Those who organize are: zaljubljenici u geografiju, učitelji

Expected duration: 1 sat

Event program: [to be be displayed here as soon as possibile]

