Nuove ruralità a Milano: passeggiando per il quartiere Barona.


Nuove ruralità a Milano: passeggiando per il quartiere Barona.

New ruralities in Milan: walking in the neighbourhood of Barona.


The event will be: Online

Short presentation of the event: L’evento organizzato dalle geografe e dai geografi del Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici vuole essere un esperimento partecipato nel quartiere Barona alla scoperta delle nuove forme di ruralità, tra passato e presente, raccogliendo visioni e suoni della campagna in città.

The event, organized by the geographers of the Department of Humanities, aims to be a participatory experiment in the neighbourhood of Barona to discover new forms of rurality, between past and present, gathering visions and sounds of the countryside in the city.

Objectives: 1. to involve students, scholars and the local community; 2. to experience a cultural journey of sounds and images; 3. to share research tools and methods (sound maps, re-photography, videos…); 4. to stimulate reflections on the evolution of (urban) rurality in terms of practices and signs on the territory.

Event language: Italian

Country: Italy

City: Milan

Link (for online events):

Reference person: Valeria Pecorelli, Monica Morazzoni, Marco Maggioli

Role or Function: lecturers

Reference Organization (if any): IULM university, MILAN

Those who organize are: Accademics

Expected duration: 1 hour

Event program: [to be be displayed here as soon as possibile]
