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Moje izkušnje s turizmom na raznih koncih sveta

  Moje izkušnje s turizmom na raznih koncih sveta 1. APRIL, 2022, 18:30 My experiences with tourism in different parts…

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Trki vesoljskih teles z Zemljo in strategije zaščite pred trki

  Trki vesoljskih teles z Zemljo in strategije zaščite pred trki   💫NOČ GEOGRAFIJE💫 Društvo študentov geografije Maribor in Oddelek…

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Pomladni venček: okrogla miza z mladimi zaposlenimi geografi

  Pomladni venček: okrogla miza z mladimi zaposlenimi geografi Panel with young employed geographers   The event will be: v…

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Photo competition “We in the landscape” – Award ceremony

  Photo competition “We in the landscape” – Award ceremony Photo competition “We in the landscape” – Award ceremony  …