35 years of Croatian Geographical Society – Zadar

Proposer: Ana Pejdo, Jadranka Brkić-Vejmelka  – Role or Function: secretary, Croatian Geographical Society – Zadar, president, Croatian Geographical Society – Zadar

April 12th, 2024

35 years of Croatian Geographical Society – Zadar


Croatian Geographical Society – Zadar is a non-profit organization founded in 1989 with aim to promote Geography and other related disciplines. Society gathers professors, students, pupils and all those interested in Geography. During the last 35 years Society has organized numerous activities, such as public lectures, seminars, conferences, field trips, etc. On the exhibition a series of photos representing past moments and events will be presented.



Exhibition will focus on the display, remembrance and interpretation of past events organized by the Croatian Geographical Society – Zadar and its influence on the public notion of Geography and Geographers.

Event Language: Croatian

The event will be: “Live” in presence

Country: Croatia (Hrvatska)
City:  Zadar
Address: Croatia, Zadar, 23 000, dr. Franje Tuđmana 24 i

Reference Organization (if any): Croatian Geographical Society – Zadar, Department of Geography University of Zadar

Estimated starting time: 17.20.00

around 2 hours

Those who organize the event are: Academics, Students

School event? No

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