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Proposer: Anita Čipak  – Role or Function: Contact person April 5th, 2024 Astrophotography Description: GeoNight by EGEA Zadar offers a…

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Proposer: Dr. Swarnima Singh  – Role or Function: University Professor (Assistant) April 12th, 2024 GEOGRAPHY FOR FUTURE EARTH: COUPLED HUMAN-EARTH…

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Los retos del reto demográfico en Cantabria. Despoblación e incendios forestales en clave geográfica.

Charla propuesta por: Olga De Cos Guerra y Virginia Carracedo Martín. Profesoras de la Universidad de Cantabria. Departamento de Geografía,…

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Geonight 2024 | Togo

Proposer: Emmanuel Youma ZOUBINNABA  – Role or Function: Contact person April 12th, 2024 Geonight 2024 | Togo Description: OpenStreetMap (OSM)…

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Rutas por la provincia de Alicante

Proposer: Pablo Giménez Font  – Role or Function: University professor April 12th, 2024 Rutas por la provincia de Alicante Description:…

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Parlaonica o eksploataciji nafte u Jadranskom moru (Discussion about oil exploitation in the Adriatic Sea)

Proposer: Davor Relja  – Role or Function: geography teacher April 12th, 2024 Parlaonica o eksploataciji nafte u Jadranskom moru (Discussion…

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Geo pub kviz

Proposer: Davor Relja  – Role or Function: teacher April 12th, 2024 Geo pub kviz Description: Geo pub kviz će sadržavati…

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Implicacions geogràfiques del canvi climàtic a les Illes Balears

Proposer: Miquel Àngel Coll Ramis  – Role or Function: University professor April 5th, 2024 Implicacions geogràfiques del canvi climàtic a…

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GeoNight u OS Duro Ester

Proposer: Mirna Kovacic  – Role or Function: Geography teacher April 12th, 2024 GeoNight u OS Duro Ester Description: GeoNight u…

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GEONIGHT 2024 – Passeggiare nello spazio e nel tempo.

Proposer: Lucia Masotti  – Role or Function: Docente universitaria; coordinatrice del Laboratorio di Cartografia, Direttrice del Centro Interuniversitario Fontes venerdì…

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GNSS Workshop: Principles and Practical Training

Proposer: Masoud Minaei  – Role or Function: Associate Professor – IGU Commission on Geographical Information Science, steering committee member April…

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Geography and food (Geografija i hrana)

Proposer: Ivan Gambiroža, Tanja Černeka  – Role or Function: Ivan Gambiroža April 12th, 2024 Geography and food (Geografija i hrana)…

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Popołudnie powtórkowe z geografii w IGiGP UJ dla maturzystów

Proposer: Justyna Liro, Aneta Pawłowska-Legwand  – Role or Function: organizers, assistant professors April 5th, 2024 Popołudnie powtórkowe z geografii w…

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New Geography Challenges – How Geography Science and Education Adapt to a Constantly Changing World?

Proposer: Prof. Dr. Georgi Zhelezov  – Role or Function: Head of Department “Geography”, National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography…

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Workshop: Crafting a “Deko-Boko” landform model of the underground valley of downtown Tokyo and some mountains

Proposer: yuichi hayakawa  – Role or Function: university assoc. professor March 20th, 2024 Workshop: Crafting a “Deko-Boko” landform model of…

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Schizzi d’acqua

Proposer: Gaetano Sabato; Leonardo Mercatanti  – Role or Function: Gaetano Sabato, Presidente della Sezione Provinciale di Palermo AIIG; Leonardo Mercatanti,…

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Virtual geographical bridge from Vilnius to Kiev

Proposer: Genovaite Kyne  – Role or Function: Member of the Board of the Lithuanian Geographical Society April 12th, 2024 Virtual…

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River-themed tabletop model / Folyóvizes terepasztal

Proposer: GEOINFORMATIKAI, TERMÉSZET- ÉS KÖRNYEZETFÖLDRAJZI TANSZÉK  – Role or Function: contact person April 12th, 2024 17.00, 17.40, 18.20 Tanszéki folyosó …

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Virtual Field Trips

Proposer: Maria Pigaki  – Role or Function: President of Hellenic Geographical Society April 5th, 2024 Virtual Field Trips Description: Digital…

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A Cross-Generational Dialogue: Embracing the Geographer Profession – Professionalism and Prospects in the Work Environment

Proposer: Dr. Edy Trihatmoko  – Role or Function: Event Coordinator of KAGEGAMA April 5th, 2024 A Cross-Generational Dialogue: Embracing the…

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Shining the geographical light across the night sky

Proposer: Felix Kwabena Donkor  – Role or Function: University lecturer April 12th, 2024 Shining the geographical light across the night…

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Mapathon in Heidelberg

  April 12th, 2024 GeoNight-Mapathon in Heidelberg Description: Join us for a fun and interactive Mapathon event! Whether you’re a…

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Constructing and geography – friends or foes?

Proposer: Doris Žibert  – Role or Function: geography teacher April 12th, 2024 Constructing and geography – friends or foes? Description:…

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Itinerario geográfico en la UA

Proposer: Antonio Prieto Cerdán  – Role or Function: University professor April 12th, 2024 Itinerario geográfico por la UA Description: Discover…

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Noite da Geografia

Proposer: Andre Carmo  – Role or Function: Vice-president of the Portuguese Association of Geographers April 5th, 2024 Noite da Geografia…