Clouds and solar radiation

Proposer: Ivica Štrbac  – Role or Function: School teacher

April 12th, 2024

Clouds and solar radiation


This project arose from the students’ desire to learn more about the clouds that formed in the sky above our city and how clouds affect the Sun’s radiation. The students are members of the GLOBE group at school, who observe clouds every day and determine cloud cover. GLOBE (Global Learning and Observation for the Good of the Environment) is a program that envisages regular and continuous student measurements and observations in the immediate environment of the school. Measurements and observations are carried out in the area of the atmosphere, water, soil and cover, and the results of the research complement each other and are connected, thus realizing a program of complete monitoring of the state of the environment. The collected results are entered into a common database on the GLOBE server, which is open and accessible to all visitors via the Internet at In the research project, we were interested in which types of clouds were most often formed in the sky above our measuring station, that is, which types of clouds we observed the least in the sky. We confirmed our hypothesis that cirrus and cumulus were the most read in the sky in more than 50% of cases, and cumulonimbus was the least observed in less than 10% of cases. The observation and determination of cloud types was carried out during the month of January 2024, and the determination of cloud types at the atmospheric station was carried out according to GLOBE protocols and using the GLOBE Observer application. Studying the data obtained with NASA satellites, we observed how cloud cover and cloud types affect solar radiation, but that clouds are important for maintaining the heat balance on Earth.




Studying the data obtained with NASA satellites, we observed how cloud cover and cloud types affect solar radiation, but that clouds are important for maintaining the heat balance on Earth.

Event Language: Croatian

The event will be: “Live” in presence

Country: Croatia (Hrvatska)
City:  Omiš
Address: Trg kralja Tomislava 1, Omiš, Croatia

Reference Organization (if any): Primary school

Estimated starting time: 18.30.00

around 1 hour

Those who organize the event are: Students

School event? Yes, it is organized with a school, or for a school (or several schools)

Comments or Notes: The students will present their work and the results of their research, but they will also hold a workshop where they will introduce the other students to the types of clouds and how clouds are estimated according to the GLOBE protocol. It will also show how to use the GLOBE Observer application so that all participants can become GLOBE Citizens.