Parlaonica o eksploataciji nafte u Jadranskom moru (Discussion about oil exploitation in the Adriatic Sea)

Proposer: Davor Relja  – Role or Function: geography teacher

April 12th, 2024

Parlaonica o eksploataciji nafte u Jadranskom moru (Discussion about oil exploitation in the Adriatic Sea)


Učenici će na parlaonici o iskorištavanju nafte u Jadranskom mora biti podijeljeni u tri skupine koji će predstaviti ekološku udrugu, rafineriju nafte i vladu. Učenici će razgovarati o pozitivnim i negativnim aspektima potencijalne eksploatacije nafte u Jadranskom moru.

(Students will be divided into three groups at the seminar on oil exploitation in the Adriatic Sea, which will present the environmental association, the oil refinery and the government. Students will discuss the positive and negative aspects of potential oil exploitation in the Adriatic Sea.)



Event Language: hrvatski (Croatian)

The event will be: “Live” in presence

Country: Croatia (Hrvatska)
City:  Županja
Address: Veli kraj 42

Reference Organization (if any): Obrtničko-industrijska škola Županja

Estimated starting time: 16.00.00

around 1 hour

Those who organize the event are: Students

School event? Yes, it is organized with a school, or for a school (or several schools)

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