Mapathon in Heidelberg


April 12th, 2024

GeoNight-Mapathon in Heidelberg


Join us for a fun and interactive Mapathon event! Whether you’re a seasoned mapper or a newbie, this event is perfect for anyone interested in geography and mapping. Get ready to contribute to OpenStreetMap and help to improve coverage as well as disaster risk assessment. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to meet fellow mappers, learn new skills, and make a difference.

See you there!



Event Language: German and English

The event will be: Mixed (Online AND in presence)

Country: Germany
City:  Heidelberg
Address: Im Neuenheimer Feld 205, 69120 Heidelberg, 5th floor (IWR)

Reference Organization: HeiGIT, Mannheimer Mapathons

Estimated starting time: 18.00.00

takes around 2 hours

Those who organize the event are: Academics, Geography enthusiasts, Students

School event? No

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