Geographical Quiz

Proposer: Dr. DUSEK László  – Role or Function: geographer, retired geography teacher

April 5th, 2024

Geographical Quiz


The quiz game related to geography, which can be completed in a competitive format worldwide in Hungarian and English.



The purpose of the quiz is to draw attention to geography in a playful way.

Event Language: hungarian and english

The event will be: Online

Country: Hungary
City:  Tápiószentmárton
Address: Hungary, 25 Fő u. Tápiószentmárton 2711, GPS: 47.341481463137605, 19.7398432691835

Reference Organization (if any):

Estimated starting time: 17.00.00

17-21 h

Those who organize the event are: Academics, Geography enthusiasts

School event? No

Comments or Notes: The url of the interface will be on the website of the Hungarian Geographical Society (, exact url later

