Kramtyk geografiją (Chew geography)

Proposer: Daiva Kruliauskienė  – Role or Function: Geography teacher

April 12th, 2024

Kramtyk geografiją (Chew geography)


There will be a tourist hike with orienteering tasks, a championship of knowledge of geography, meals from different countries will be cooked, dances will be danced, singing, geographical games will be played.



To stimulate students’ interest in the subject of geography, to get to know the immediate environment

Event Language: Lithuanian

The event will be: “Live” in presence

Country: Lithuania
City:  Kruonis
Address: Darsūniškio 11,Kruonis, Kaišiadorių r.,LT56319

Reference Organization (if any): Kruonio pagrindinė mokykla

Estimated starting time: 17.00.00

Until the morning of the next day

Those who organize the event are: Students

School event? Yes, it is organized with a school, or for a school (or several schools)

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