Prva Noč geografije v Posavju

Proposer: Nejc Pozvek  – Role or Function: Nejc Pozvek (Fakulteta za turizem Univerze v Mariboru) in Boštjan Špiler (Gimnazija Brežice)

April 5th, 2024

Prva Noč geografije v Posavju

First Night of Geography in Posavje


Prva Noč geografije v Posavju je zrasla na temelju želje po večji povezanosti med stanovskimi kolegi – geografi (in kolegi sorodnih prostorskih strok) v Posavju. Prvi tovrstni dogodek bo večvrsten: v neformalnem, uvodnem delu je zamišljeno srečanje posavskih geografov z idejo vzpostavitve tesnejših vezi in sodelovanja (načrtujemo ob 18.30), v prvem sklopu uradnega dela pa bo ob 19.30 (skoraj natančno ob zahodu sonca v Brežicah) potopisno predavanje dijaka brežiške gimnazije, izjemnega Alexandra Škofa, nosilca zlate medalje z Mednarodne geografske olimpijade v indonezijskem Bandungu. Predavanju bo (okoli 20.30) sledila nočna tura skozi staro mestno jedro Brežic, ki bo obogatena z geografsko-zgodovinskimi vsebinami, zaključila pa se bo pri zanimivih kartografskih upodobitvah v Posavskem muzeju Brežice. Zadnji, znova neformalni sklop predstavlja razgled na nočno mesto s prenovljenega vodovodnega stolpa, ki je eden ključnih simbolov Brežic.

The first Night of Geography in Posavje grew out of a desire for greater networking among fellow geographers (and colleagues in related spatial disciplines) in Posavje. The first event of this kind will be of several types: in the informal, introductory part, a meeting of Posavje geographers is planned with the idea of establishing closer ties and cooperation (planned at 18.30), and in the first part of the official part, at 19.30 (almost exactly at sunset in Brežice), there will be a travelogue lecture by a student of the Brežice Gymnasium, the outstanding Alexander Škof, gold medal winner of the International Geography Olympiad in Bandung, Indonesia. The lecture will be followed (around 20.30) by a night tour through the old town centre of Brežice, which will be enriched with geographic-historical content, and will end with interesting cartographic depictions in the Posavje Museum Brežice. The last, again informal, part presents a view of the city at night from the renovated water tower, one of the key symbols of Brežice.



Event Language: Slovenščina

The event will be: “Live” in presence

Country: Slovenija
City:  Brežice
Address: Trg Jožeta Toporišiča 1, Brežice (začetek dogodka v Knjižnici Brežice, nato sprehod po mestu)

Reference Organization (if any): Fakulteta za turizem Univerze v Mariboru in Gimnazija Brežice

Estimated starting time: 19:39:00

3 hours

Those who organize the event are: Academics, teachers

School event? Yes

Comments or Notes:

