Modern Geography: mapping space of places and flows


Modern Geography: mapping space of places and flows

Modern Geography: mapping space of places and flows


The event will be: Online

Short presentation of the event: The conference is aimed at strengthening cooperation between geographers, NGOs, and governmental authorities’ representatives. The main message of 2022 is to present the capacity of modern geographical science to solve urgent problems in Ukraine. These are, first of all, the problems of multi-purpose spatial data management, as well as the introduction of sustainable spatial planning at different levels.
In addition, given the geopolitical challenges facing Ukraine in the XXI century, a special discussion is dedicated to issues of national geostrategy implementation.

The conference is aimed at strengthening cooperation between geographers, NGOs, and governmental authorities’ representatives. The main message of 2022 is to present the capacity of modern geographical science to solve urgent problems in Ukraine. These are, first of all, the problems of multi-purpose spatial data management, as well as the introduction of sustainable spatial planning at different levels.
In addition, given the geopolitical challenges facing Ukraine in the XXI century, a special discussion is dedicated to issues of national geostrategy implementation.

Objectives: To unite geographers and stakeholders to achieve global sustainability demands.

Event language: Ukrainian (English is available)

Country: Ukraine

City: Kyiv

Link (for online events): [it will be displayed here as soon as possibile]

Reference person: Viktor Chekhnii

Role or Function: Committee Member- Publicity chair

Reference Organization (if any):

Those who organize are: Academics

Expected duration: 3 hours

Event program: [to be be displayed here as soon as possibile]

