Cultural heritage of Zadar

Proposer: Zrinka Klarin  – Role or Function: Geography teacher

April 12th, 2024

Cultural heritage of Zadar


Radionica o kulturnoj baštini na području poluotoka Zadra ima cilj upoznavanje i promoviranje bogate kulturne baštine grada Zadra kroz umjetnički izraz fotografije. U ovoj radionici učenici će imati priliku istraživati različite kulturne i povijesne lokacije te ih zabilježiti kroz objektiv fotoaparata. Radionica potiče kreativnost, estetski izraz i razumijevanje važnosti očuvanja kulturne baštine kroz vizualnu umjetnost. Dio fotografija biti će predstavljeno izložbom. Igrom kartica „Zadar u kamenu skriven“ sudionici će provjeriti svoje znanje o različitim građevinama Zadra i njihovoj povijesti te usvojiti neke nove sadržaje.

The workshop on cultural heritage in the area of the Zadar peninsula aims to introduce and promote the rich cultural heritage of the city of Zadar through the artistic expression of photography. In this workshop, students will have the opportunity to explore different cultural and historical locations and record them through the camera lens. The workshop encourages creativity, aesthetic expression and understanding of the importance of preserving cultural heritage through visual art. Part of the photos will be presented in the exhibition. With the “Zadar hidden in stone” card game, participants will test their knowledge of the various buildings of Zadar and their history and learn some new content.



Upoznavanje kulturne baštine

Event Language: Hrvatski jezik

The event will be: “Live” in presence

Country: Croatia – live
City:  Zadar
Address: Croatia, Zadar, dr. Franje Tuđmana 24 i, 23 000 Zadar

Reference Organization (if any): Odjel za geografiju Sveučilišta u Zadru

Estimated starting time: 17:00

the whole evening

Those who organize the event are: Academics, Students

School event? Yes, it is organized with a school, or for a school (or several schools)

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