Limoges la nuit : ballade géographique

Proposer: Isabella Tomassi and Marie Cherchelay  – Role or Function: PhD student and post doctoral researcher

April 12th, 2024

Limoges la nuit : ballade géographique


As part of the GeoNight 2024, we’d like to offer an evening focusing on perceptions of Limoges urban space, but not only, at night. The evening will kick off with an evening tour through the streets of Limoges, where participants will be given a map to mark out, and asked to reflect on their feelings as they walk through different districts at night. The walk will be followed by a moment of exchange and discussion around the maps produced and the themes evoked by the use of urban space at night. As Limoges is located in a rural area, Esther Chevreau Damour’s presentation of her work on night-time in the Parc Naturel Régional Périgord-Limousin will also provide an opportunity to explore the differences in perception of night-time “in town” and “in the country”.



Introduce geographers’ methods to the general public, and especially the mental map
Unite various institutions (researchers, geography students, local associations and local stakeholders that we’d like to involve) around an event aimed at the inhabitants of Limoges

Event Language: French

The event will be: “Live” in presence

Country: France
City:  Limoges
Address: To be inserted later

Reference Organization (if any): Laboratoire Géolab, Université de Limoges

Estimated starting time: 21.00.00

the whole evening

Those who organize the event are: Academics, Students

School event? No

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