Proposer: Melinda Vartik – Role or Function: President of the board of trustee
April 12th, 2024
“It’s good to travel”
“It’s good to travel” – having a workshop about organizing a travel, giving tips for that; how can we travel? alone or together with a group? hjow can we eat during our trip?; playing geographically themed board games with chilldren, families; takin geography tests for children.

Through programs, environmental studies and geography subjects to be loved; environmentally conscious trips to be orginized
Event Language: Hungarian
The event will be: “Live” in presence
Country: Hungary
City: Balassagyarmat
Address: Kossuth út 52.
Reference Organization (if any): Lamenda Foundation
Estimated starting time: 17.30.00
2 hours
Those who organize the event are: Geography enthusiasts, Students, Non-profit organizations, natural persons, families
School event? No.