Abitare il pianeta. Viaggio interdisciplinare nei luoghi e nel tempo: avventura educativa interattiva.

Proposer: Sabrina Malizia  – Role or Function: Vice-President for the School Sector of AIIG SICILIA

Adele Maria Veste  – Gruppo Editoriale LA SCUOLA – ACADEMY

April 12th, 2024

Abitare il pianeta.

Viaggio interdisciplinare nei luoghi e nel tempo:

avventura educativa interattiva.

LINK: Streaming GeoContest “Abitare il Pianeta”

Canale YouTube (è necessario accettare iscrizione al canale)


Presentation of an educational Geo Contest that aims to deepen the concept of “Inhabiting the planet” and to support and accompany the development of a new sensitivity towards the Environment and Society through proactive paths of collaboration and shared work between teams of people representing different cultures, languages/dialects, religions and peoples who inhabit our territory.



Engage students with an interactive learning activity by getting them excited about Geography

Event Language: Italian

The event will be: Online

Country: Italy
City:  Catania [CT]

Reference Organization (if any): AIIG Sicilia

Estimated starting time: 12

around 1 hour

Those who organize the event are: Geography enthusiasts, Lecturers who are experts in 21st century innovation

School event? No

Comments or Notes: The presentation of the contest will last one hour but the event will be completed in June 2024