90th Anniversary of Lithuanian geographical society

Proposer: Giedrė Godienė  – Role or Function: University professor

April 5th, 2024

90th Anniversary of Lithuanian geographical society


The online chronical presentation about the activities and personalities of Lithuanian Geographical Society. The review will cover period of 90 years from 1934 when the Association was established until 2024. The focus in the LGS as association, increasing and disseminating professional geographical knowledge to wide public, the formation of unique geographical scientific schools and scientific research centers, an contribution to the national self-awareness and the creation of an Independent State, the preservation of country’s natural and cultural uniqueness, geographical education, distant expeditions of its members, international cooperation will be presented.





To celebrate Lithuanian geography and provide basic information about the Association for the wide public

Event Language: Lithuanian, subtitles in English

The event will be: Online

Country: Lithuania
City:  Vilnius
Address: M. K. Čiurlionio str. 21/27, 03101 Vilnius, Lithuania

Reference Organization (if any): Vilnius University, The Department of Geography and Land management

Estimated starting time: 16.00.00

around 1 hour

Those who organize the event are: Academics

School event? No

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