Proposer: Glenda Nelly Requena Lara – Role or Function: university professor
April 12th, 2024
3a. Noche Mexicana de Geografía, Naturaleza y Sociedad
For the third consecutive year, our event will allow attendees to become familiar with geographic concepts and learn how geography is currently part of our daily lives. We will make known in a practical and interactive way the biogeographical works that we carry out in the academy with the help of geographic tools available to the general public, based on Citizen Science, teaching their use to the attendees. We will do a short night tour to use these tools and we will talk about the species of flora and fauna that we observed during the event. All this in a Mexican children’s party atmosphere.
That the attendees learn about the biogeographic work that we do at the UAT with the help
of geographic tools available to the general public.
That the public becomes familiar with geographic concepts and how geography is part of our lives.
That some attendees join in doing Citizen Science based on geographic records.
That the attending children become interested in geographical sciences in a fun and interactive way.
Event Language: Spanish
The event will be: “Live” in presence
Country: Mexico
City: Ciudad Victoria
Address: Tamaulipas, Ciudad Victoria
Reference Organization (if any): Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas
Estimated starting time: 17.30.00
around 2 hours
Those who organize the event are: Academics
School event? Yes, it is organized with a school, or for a school (or several schools)
Comments or Notes: The event will be free in a child-friendly environment, so the use of alcoholic beverages is prohibited. Each attendee is required to bring their own drinking glass as we will be giving away flavored waters.