Reading about sustainability

Proposer: Gabriela Adina Morosanu  – Role or Function: Co-chair of the IGU YECG GEOSUS working group

April 12th, 2024

Earthbound Pages: Exploring Geography and Sustainability


The event will be a book lecture where participants will discuss about sustainability topics, each one bringing one example from a publication they relate to more often in their research. Its aim is to increase participants’ awareness of global environmental challenges and sustainability issues through literature. It will be organized by the IGU YECG GeoSus working group, the members of which belong to different academic universities, usually post docs, from all over the world, with expertise in different aspects of the broad sustainability topics in Geography. Thus, the aim of this online meeting will be to get acquainted with diverse topics of sustainability and learn some general lessons which could help us put in a wider perspective our own geographical thinking. By encouraging interdisciplinarity, this event is meant to explore connections between geography, sustainability and related fields, by seeking new methods and directions of approaching “the sustainable side of things” in the participants’ own research. Finally, new additional readings and resources are planned to participants who wish to delve deeper into specific sustainability topics explored in the book club.


– Select books that represent diverse perspectives, authors, and case studies to broaden members’ understanding of sustainability issues across different regions and communities.
– Create a platform for in-depth discussions on the environmental, social, and economic aspects of sustainability topics explored in the selected books.
– Improve members’ geographic literacy by delving into books that explore the geographical aspects of sustainability, including regional variations and impacts.
– Bridge the gap between theoretical concepts and real-world sustainability challenges by discussing how geography plays a role in shaping and addressing these issues.
– Improve young geographers’ critical reading skills by analyzing and interpreting academic and popular literature related to sustainability and geography.

Event details:

The debate will be centered around a recent PhD thesis, ”Sustainable Land and Water Management for a Greener Future” (defended in 2020 by Dr. Luigi Piemontese at the University of Stockholm).

WHEN: Apr 12, 2024 8:00 – 10:00 A.M. CET (GMT +2)
WHERE: Zoom meeting –

You can also join the meeting by entering the following information in the Join a meeting dialogue or in the Zoom app:
Meeting ID: 669 5556 1038
Password: 886123

Event Language: English

The event will be: Online

Country: Romania
City:  Bucharest
Address: Dimitrie Racovita 12, Bucharest, Romania

Reference Organization: IGU YECG GeoSus working group and the Institute of Geography of the Romanian Academy

Estimated starting time: 9 A.M. CET (GMT+2), around 2 hours