Amazing Maps – Mapas sorprendentes

Proposer: Miguel PAZOS-OTON  – Role or Function: Senior Lecturer in Geography – Dpt of Geography – University of Santiago de Compostela

April 5th, 2024

Amazing Maps – Mapas sorprendentes


The history of Geography has always been the history of maps. The map is the graphic territorial synthesis that geographers use to explore territory, represent phenomena of all kinds and, ultimately, express themselves as such. The evolution of cartography over the centuries has been a constant, in parallel with the progress of the technique itself (explorations, geodesy, topography, etc.). Nowadays, cartography has largely moved to the Internet. Spatial data infrastructures and online viewers allow the dynamic and on-demand representation of all types of geographic phenomena, in many cases in real time and always with great precision. However, for most of the history of Cartography, maps have been paper documents, still photos of a specific time and place at a specific scale. Paper maps have been stored in libraries and archives, both by official organizations and by private collectors. The paper map continues to exert an unstoppable fascination among all those geographers and Geography fans, to which we want to pay tribute in the edition of Geonight 2024 under the motto “Amazing maps”



The objective is to draw attention to paper maps as elements of geographical worship. Maps amaze us, entertain us and surprise us. This activity seeks to get the public involved and contribute paper maps, which will then be commented on in public in the session on April 5. The call will be advertised on the internet and social networks and the public will be encouraged to participate by providing some paper maps in the face-to-face session and commenting on them. Maps can be manipulated, touched and viewed from all viewing angles. They can be topographical, tourist, commercial maps, etc. They can have any scale. The only requirement is that they be “surprising” and that they feed the geographical collective’s passion for cartography.

Event Language: Spanish

The event will be: “Live” in presence

Country: Spain
City:  Santiago de Compostela
Address: Faculty of Geography and History. Praza Universidade, 1. Santiago de Compostela

Reference Organization (if any): Dpt of Gepgraphy. University of Santiago de Compostela

Estimated starting time: 18.00.00

around 1 hour

Those who organize the event are: Academics

School event? No

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