Bhuratri 2022

Bhuratri 2022
Trails on the earth

Bhuratri 2022


Bhuratri 2022

Bhuratri 2022


The event will be: Online activity on Travel in India and on the  lovely planet Earth 

Short presentation of the event: General knowledge check on online friends

General presentation on Earth, global warming, Green initiatives thorough out south India.

Objectives:  Geography as caring for the Earth and stress on sustainable goals

Event language: Hindi/English/kannada

Country: India

City: Bangalore

Link (for online events): []

Reference person: Dr. ANJANA KANWAL

Role or Function: Consultant and Head

Reference Organization (if any):

Those who organize are: Academics, Geography enthusiasts, Students

Expected duration: around 30 minutes

Event program: [Online ]

