La huella de la Victoria: Geohistoria de la Sevilla fluvial del s. XVI


La huella de la Victoria: Geohistoria de la Sevilla fluvial del s. XVI

La huella de la Victoria: Geohistoria de la Sevilla fluvial del s. XVI


The event will be: “Live” in presence (if it will be allowed by the covid rules, otherwise it will not be held)

Short presentation of the event: The activity is a field trip in Seville, located among the Faculty of Geography and History of the University of Seville, and the Seville Port, where on 8th September of 1522 Juan Sebastian Elcano docked the Nao Victoria after having make the-first-round-the-world sailing. Field trip stops: Tagarete River (Faculty), Nao Victoria (replica) and Guadalquivir River evolution (Port), Torre de la Plata (Santander Street), Torre del Oro (Port), Arenal (Neighbourhood), Atarazanas-Hospital de La Caridad (Temprado Street).

The activity is a field trip in Seville, located among the Faculty of Geography and History of the University of Seville, and the Seville Port, where on 8th September of 1522 Juan Sebastian Elcano docked the Nao Victoria after having make the-first-round-the-world sailing. Field trip stops: Tagarete River (Faculty), Nao Victoria (replica) and Guadalquivir River evolution (Port), Torre de la Plata (Santander Street), Torre del Oro (Port), Arenal (Neighbourhood), Atarazanas-Hospital de La Caridad (Temprado Street).

Objectives: To show to the public at large the main geo-historic landmarks of the Seville city during the 16Century, when the Elcano arrived at Seville after his round-the-world: The Guadalquivir River and its tributary and the Historic Port heritage.

Event language: Español

Country: Spain

City: Seville

Link (for online events): [it will be displayed here as soon as possibile]

Reference person: Fernando Díaz del Olmo

Role or Function: University Professor

Reference Organization (if any):

Those who organize are: Academics

Expected duration: until late at night

Event program: [to be be displayed here as soon as possibile]

