The meeting of geography and fantasy – world creation in movies, the digital space and board games.

Proposer: Dr. Alpek B. Levente  – Role or Function: assistant professor

April 5th, 2024

The meeting of geography and fantasy – world creation in movies, the digital space and board games.


The world of fantasy surrounds us. From board games to films to computer and digital spaces, world-building plays a decisive role in entertainment as well as knowledge transfer and storytelling in general. But how can these worlds be born and what is the role of topographic knowledge in their creation? In the lecture, we look for the answer to this through some examples.



Knowledge transfer. Introducing the diversity of geography to the target group.

Event Language: magyar/hungarian

The event will be: “Live” in presence

Country: Hungary
City:  Pécs
Address: Hungary, Pécs, Ifjúság útja 6.

Reference Organization (if any): University of Pécs, Faculty of Science, Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences

Estimated starting time: 17.00.00

around 30 minutes

Those who organize the event are: Academics, Geography enthusiasts, Artists, Students, the presentation can hold interesting elements for all interested parties.

School event? No

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