Geonight in Grazute

Proposer: Leonas Sadauskas  – Role or Function: Administrator of Visitor’s Centre Gražute regional park

April 12th, 2024

Geonight in Grazute


Night trip to the forest by Luodis lake. Travelling by Salakas walking cognitive path and surrounding areas includes different tasks and exercises.



People social education, experience in nature protection of preserved territories

Event Language: Lithuanian

The event will be: “Live” in presence

Country: Lithuania
City:  Salakas
Address: Lithuania, Zarasai district, Salakas, Laisvoji a. 14

Reference Organization (if any): Regional park

Estimated starting time: 16.00.00

the whole evening

Those who organize the event are: Geography enthusiasts

School event? Yes, it is organized with a school, or for a school (or several schools)

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