Landscapes and people through the traveler’s eyes, with a projected experience report

Proposer: Sallai Róbert Benedek  – Role or Function: science teacher, geographer

April 5th, 2024

Landscapes and people through the traveler’s eyes, with a projected experience report


We are announcing a geographical conference that disseminates knowledge and also promotes science, for which – on the pre-announced topic – we are waiting for speakers to apply, even in several speaker categories (e.g.: student/adult/professional-scientist)
In the afternoons, the entire city is open to those interested, and consists of presentations and projected travel experience reports. The audience can listen to experiential travel reports about different geographical locations, countries, regions, people, and cultures.
The program is enriched by a nature photography exhibition.
After the lectures, a “night” walk on the shore of the Berettyó backwater, informative tour about the role of river water and river water regulations.
In case of favorable weather and atmospheric conditions, the event will end with a “starry night”.



Knowledge dissemination, environmental education

Event Language: magyar/hungarian

The event will be: Mixed (Online AND in presence)

Country: Hungary
City:  Túrkeve
Address: Túrkeve, Petőfi tér 1.

Reference Organization (if any): Túrkeve Városi Önkormányzat

Estimated starting time: 16.00.00

16-18 óráig előadásokra kerül sor, 18.30-tól külső helyszínen folytatódik az ismeretterjesztő program

Those who organize the event are: Academics, Geography enthusiasts, Students

School event? No

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