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Mapathon Missing Maps – OSM Mali with CartONG – Mapathon Missing Maps – OSM Mali avec CartONG

Mapathon Missing Maps – OSM Mali with CartONG – Mapathon Missing Maps – OSM Mali avec CartONG Short presentation of…

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Mapathon Missing Maps – YouthMappers at BSMRMU with CartONG

Mapathon Missing Maps – YouthMappers at BSMRMU with CartONG Short presentation of the event: A mapathon is a collaborative mapping…

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Social mob geografico

Social mob geografico Short presentation of the event: Condividiamo, al medesimo orario e su tutti i nostri profili social, una…

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Blue Ball – The City of Light

Blue Ball – The City of Light Short presentation of the event: In the first part of the event pupils…

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Around the Globe with our monthly magazine – A Földgömb körül

Around the Globe with our monthly magazine – A Földgömb körül Short presentation of the event: A Földgömb magazin születésétől…

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Caves in the sky night – Grotte sotto le stelle

Grotte nel cielo notturno – Grotte sotto le stelle Breve presentazione dell’evento : Cosa hanno in comune le grotte…

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Natural environment of Gödöllő and its surroundings – Gödöllő és környékének természeti környezete

Scroll down for English Gödöllő földrajzi ismereihez kapcsolódó kvízjáték, mely magyar és angol nyelven Európa-szerte kitölthető versenyszerű formában. Az online…

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Local knowledge quiz on the county of Csongrád-Csanád in Hungary – Ki ismeri jobban Csongrád-Csanád megyét? Játékos helyismereti kvízjáték a szegedi Somogyi-könyvtártól

Scroll down for English A szegedi Somogyi-könyvtár szívesen csatlakozik minden olyan kezdeményezéshez, amely a tudományokat népszerűsíti. Az alábbiakban egy kvízre…

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Virtualni posjet Australiji

A virtual trip to Australia – Virtualni posjet Australiji Short presentation of the event: Učenici iz Hrvatske će imati priliku…

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La geografia dello sport tra didattica e cultura

La geografia dello sport tra didattica e cultura Breve presentazione dell’evento: Il convegno ha l’obiettivo di proporre una riflessione sulla…

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Travel’s raisins – Kelionių razinos

Travel’s raisins – Kelionių razinos Short presentation of the event: Geografo Ryto Šalnos paskaita apie Naująją Zelandiją (atvira visai Lietuvai)….

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Treasures of the Library of Hungarian Geographical Society – Kincsek a Magyar Földrajzi Társaság Könyvtárából

Treasures of the Library of Hungarian Geographical Society – Kincsek a Magyar Földrajzi Társaság Könyvtárából Short presentation of the event:…

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Population geography and sights of Pécs from the age of Ottoman Occupation – Pécs népességföldrajza és látnivalói az osmán hódoltság korából

Scroll down for English 30 perces online ismeretterjesztő előadás “Pécs város népességének (etnikum, vallás, nyelv) változása a török hódítás korában”…

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Running the GeoNight together. Shared explorations in the historical centre of Florence – Running the GeoNight together. Esplorazioni condivise nel centro storico di Firenze

Update: Unfortunately, Covid-19 related restrictions don’t make such a run possible, since Tuscany will be in the red zone on…

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Paesaggi narrati Riscoprire il Trentino attraverso la letteratura di viaggio sette-ottocentesca

Paesaggi narrati Riscoprire il Trentino attraverso la letteratura di viaggio sette-ottocentesca Webinar ore 20.30     Nell’occasione della Notte Europea…

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Viewing this website from…

People are viewing this site from (snapshot taken on February 27 2021, 15.00 CET)   People are viewing this site…

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Early evening tour to the highest point of Nyíregyháza to Geri Hill

Early evening tour to the highest point of Nyíregyháza to Geri Hill Short presentation of the event: 5 km-es gyalogtúra…

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Trade and tourism put to the test of the crisis. Resilience strategies – Commercio e turismo alla prova della crisi. Strategie di resilienza

Trade and tourism put to the test of the crisis. Resilience strategies – Commercio e turismo alla prova della crisi….

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Doing Geography Today – Fare Geografia Oggi

Doing Geography Today – Fare Geografia Oggi Fare geografia oggi: l’elemento comune, ovvero l’elemento che caratterizza le nostre presentazioni per…

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Worldwide in a virtual world

Worldwide in a virtual world Short presentation of the event: GeoNight This event will be organized for students of elementary…

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“Sibiryakov Expedition” film online screeing

“Sibiryakov Expedition” film online screeing Short presentation of the event: Sibiryakov brothers – Alexander, Konstantin and Innocent – are among…

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Mapathon Missing Maps – HuMap Trier with CartONG

Mapathon Missing Maps – HuMap Trier with CartONG Short presentation of the event: A mapathon is a collaborative mapping workshop…

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¿Cuánto sabes de Geografía? Te retamos a demostrarlo con GeoSapiens

¿Cuánto sabes de Geografía? Te retamos a demostrarlo con GeoSapiens Short presentation of the event: GeoSapiens pone a prueba tus…

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Mapathon Missing Maps – YouthMappers at BSMRSTU with CartONG

Mapathon Missing Maps – YouthMappers at BSMRSTU with CartONG Short presentation of the event: A mapathon is a collaborative mapping…

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Interesting geography – Įdomioji geografija

Interesting geography – Įdomioji geografija Short presentation of the event: Renginys skirtas popoliarinti geografijos mokslą, skatinti mokinių domėjimąsi geografijos mokslu….

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Presentation of local history related documents of Hajdúböszörmény – Hajdúböszörményi helyismereti könyv-, térkép- és túraajánló

Scroll down for English: A Hajdúböszörményi Bethlen Gábor Általános Iskola Könyvtára április 9-én (pénteken), a Földrajz Éjszakájára helyismereti könyv- térkép-…

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Hurry up!

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Győr – az én városom – My hometown, Győr

Scroll down for English 2021-ben a győri Apor Vilmos Római Katolikus Óvoda, Általános Iskola, Alapfokú Művészeti Iskola, Gimnázium és Kollégium…

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Geografijos naktis Paluknio „Medeinos“ gimnazijoje

Geografijos naktis Paluknio „Medeinos“ gimnazijoje Short presentation of the event: Renginio metu su mokiniais skaitmeninių žemėlapių pagalba bus tyrinėjamos gyvenamosios…

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Regional Development Strategies and Planning within the Context of Sustainable Development Goals Achieving (2030-Ukraine)

Regional Development Strategies and Planning within the Context of Sustainable Development Goals Achieving (2030-Ukraine) Short presentation of the event: The…

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Condividiamo bellezza

Condividiamo bellezza Short presentation of the event: Mostra fotografica virtuale sul patrimonio culturale, accompagnata dagli orchestrali, quintetto di fiati, dell’ARS…

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Citizens science for climate justice: mapping socio-environmental impacts of oil extraction in the Amazon Rainforest – Citizens science per la giustizia climatica: mappando gli impatti socio ambientali dell’estrazione petrolifera nella foresta amazzonica

Citizens science for climate justice: mapping socio-environmental impacts of oil extraction in the Amazon Rainforest – Citizens science per la…

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GeoNight 2021 Events map –


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“The Milky Way”

“The Milky Way” We will gather to speak about “The Milky Way” in our youth center or online (depending on…

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Join us!

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Do sheep trails really exist? – I tratturi esistono davvero?

Dalla patrimonializzazione della transumanza alla riscoperta del paesaggio tratturale come opportunità di rigenerazione territoriale | Università del Molise, Termoli (Italia)…

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Virtual field trip – Virtualna terenska nastava

Virtual field trip – Virtualna terenska nastava Short presentation of the event: Predavanjem će se predstaviti digitalna aplikacija Google Earth…

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Mountain Tourism: the new deal – Il turismo in montagna: nuovi scenari

Mountain Tourism: the new deal – Il turismo in montagna: nuovi scenari Short presentation of the event: I nuovi scenari…

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Ocean Literacy: education and research for a sustainable future of the Sea. – Ocean Literacy: educazione e ricerca per un futuro sostenibile per il mare. Giornata di studi sull’educazione e la ricerca sul mare

Ocean Literacy: educazione e ricerca per un futuro sostenibile del mare. – Ocean Literacy: educazione e ricerca per un futuro…

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GeoNight – V edition

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Chew Geography – Kramtyk geografiją

Chew Geography – Kramtyk geografiją Short presentation of the event: Renginys, skirtas Kaišiadorių rajono 9 – 12 klasių mokiniams. Renginyje…

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Geographies of Darkness| Geographies of night. Dialogue with the singer-songwriter Michele Bravi – Geografie del buio| Geografie della notte. Dialogo con il cantautore Michele Bravi

Geographies of Darkness| Geographies of night. Dialogue with the singer-songwriter Michele Bravi – Geografie del buio| Geografie della notte. Dialogo…

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“Eurovision: MAPS, Memories and Music” One Day Conference (Maynooth University)

“Eurovision: MAPS, Memories and Music” One Day Conference (Maynooth University, Ireland) Short presentation of the event: One day conference, offering…

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GeoNight programs at the Library of Székesfehérvár – A székesfehérvári Vörösmarty Mihály Könyvtár programjai

Scroll down for English A székesfehérvári Vörösmarty Mihály könyvtár több programajánlattal csatlakozik a Földrajz Éjszakájához. A programok a könyvtár weboldalán…

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Welcome to La Route de l’Arpenteur – Bienvenue sur La Route de l’Arpenteur

Welcome to La Route de l’Arpenteur – Bienvenue sur La Route de l’Arpenteur Short presentation of the event: En Français…

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Mosaici di Paesaggi. Visioni e azioni per la Sostenibilità

Mosaici di Paesaggi. Visioni e azioni per la Sostenibilità Short presentation of the event: Interventi di studiosi ed esperti di…

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Reading the Wine Landscape from different perspectives – Paesaggi del vino: una lettura a più voci

Reading the Wine Landscape from different perspectives – Paesaggi del vino: una lettura a più voci Short presentation of the…

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Sustainable Development-Achieving The Cross-Curricular Topic Outcomes In Correlation Of 2 Subjects- Geography And Business Communication

Sustainable Development-Achieving The Cross-Curricular Topic Outcomes In Correlation Of 2 Subjects- Geography And Business Communication Short presentation of the event:…

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L’agricoltura urbana e peri-urbana tra rigenerazione paesistico-ambientale, comunità e governance locale

L’agricoltura urbana e peri-urbana tra rigenerazione paesistico-ambientale, comunità e governance locale Short presentation of the event: Agricoltura urbana e peri-urbana…

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A virtual trip to Australia – Virtualni posjet Australiji

A virtual trip to Australia – Virtualni posjet Australiji Short presentation of the event: Učenici će imati priliku stupiti u…

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“The Land of Nemunas river” – “Nemuno kraštas”

“The Land of Nemunas river” – “Nemuno kraštas” Short presentation of the event: Keeping in mind the restrictions of carantine,…

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In the footprints of Loránd Eötvös – Eötvös Loránd nyomában

Scroll down for English Az ELTE Egyetemi Könyvtár és Levéltár csatlakozván a Földrajz Éjszakája programsorozathoz online elérhetővé teszi “Eötvös Loránd…

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What can we learn about geology? – Što možemo naučiti o geologiji?

What can we learn about geology? – Što možemo naučiti o geologiji? Short presentation of the event: Učenici će usvajati…

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What video games tell us about geography – Ce que les jeux vidéos nous apprennent de la géographie

 Ce que les jeux vidéos nous apprennent de la géographie – Marathon de Civilization VI  What video games tell us…

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GeoExperts – GeoZnalci

GeoExperts – GeoZnalci Short presentation of the event: Ovisno o epidemiološkim mjerama održat ćemo geografski kviz. Ako će to biti…

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Heritography, a dialogue between heritage and geography – Heritography, patrimonio e geografia in dialogo

Heritography, a dialogue between heritage and geography – Heritography, patrimonio e geografia in dialogo – Verbania (Italy), 9 april 2021…

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Mapathon Missing Maps – La Géothèque with CartONG – Mapathon Missing Maps – La Géothèque avec CartONG

Mapathon Missing Maps – La Géothèque with CartONG – Mapathon Missing Maps – La Géothèque avec CartONG Short presentation of…

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Sartorie sociali: cucire chi ricuce

Sartorie sociali Short presentation of the event: Le Sartorie sociali, intese come imprese nate sotto diverse forme (associazioni, cooperative, imprese…

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A walk across the world. Find out

A walk across the world. Find out Short presentation of the event: Serious game aimed at discovering with geographic content…

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Lithuania-pilgrimage to the Mountain of Crosses – Litvánia – Zarándoklat a “Keresztek hegyéhez”

Scroll down for English A Budapest-Belvárosi Nagyboldogasszony Főplébánia-templom ismét csatlakozik a “Földrajz éjszakája” elnevezésű nemzetközi eseménysorozathoz. Tesszük ezt azért is,…

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Mars and the Geography of the cosmos – Marte e la Geografia del cosmo

Earth, Mars and the Universe: geography, areography and cosmography. Terra, Marte, universo: geografia, areografia, cosmografia Short presentation of the event:…

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Panel discussion “Non-Catholic cemetery spaces in Italy. The open questions before and after the pandemic” – Tavola rotonda “Spazi cimiteriali plurali. Le questioni aperte ante e post pandemia”

Tavola rotonda “Gli spazi cimiteriali non cattolici in Italia. Le questioni aperte ante e post pandemia” In Italia, la pandemia…

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Geonight in progress

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Experiences on the Hungarian section of the Maria Pilgrimage Trail – Élmények a Mária Út magyarországi szakaszán

Scroll down for Enlish A Budapest-Belvárosi Nagyboldogasszony Főplébánia-templom ismét csatlakozik a “Földrajz éjszakája” elnevezésű nemzetközi eseménysorozathoz. Tesszük ezt azért is,…

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Alla scoperta del parco che non c’è

  Alla scoperta del parco che non c’è Short presentation of the event: Narrazione multimediale dei primi passi della progettazione…

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La decrescita felice – Incontro con Maurizio Pallante

La decrescita felice – Incontro con Maurizio Pallante Breve presentazione dell’evento : Il consigliere con delega per l’ambiente Gabriele Bellot…

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Online virtual and spiritual pilgrimage to the city of Cebu in South-Eastern Asia – Cebu városa, Délkelet-Ázsia legnagyobb keresztény zarándoklati célpontja

Scroll down for English A Budapest-Belvárosi Nagyboldogasszony Főplébánia-templom ismét csatlakozik a “Földrajz éjszakája” elnevezésű nemzetközi eseménysorozathoz. Tesszük ezt azért is,…

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Mapathon Missing Maps – Université de Perpignan with CartONG – Mapathon Missing Maps – Université de Perpignan avec CartONG

Mapathon Missing Maps – Université de Perpignan with CartONG – Mapathon Missing Maps – Université de Perpignan avec CartONG Short…

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Drought Citizen Observatory: Geography, Citizen Science And Collective Knowledge Creation

Drought Citizen Observatory: Geography, Citizen Science And Collective Knowledge Creation Short presentation of the event: THIS EVENT WILL PRESENT THE…

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GeoNight – Fun Run and Talk (GeoFun Week)

GeoNight – Fun Run and Talk (GeoFun Week) Short presentation of the event: In the development of geography study, more…

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Virtual tour in Zagreb, Croatia

Virtual tour in Zagreb, Croatia Short presentation of the event: Zagreb, capital city of Croatia, with a population of 700,000…

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Virtual tour in the collections of the Library and Archives of ELTE University – Virtuális könyvtártúra – ELTE Egyetemi Könyvtár és Levéltár

Scroll down for English Az ELTE Egyetemi Könyvtár és Levéltár csatlakozván a Földrajz Éjszakája programsorozathoz online helyismereti sétára invitálja az…

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Avatar GeoSabry

Avatar GeoSabry  Short presentation of the event: Avatar didattico per la sostenibilità   Objectives: Event language: Italiano Country: Italia City:…

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Geographical researches in Szombathely, at the Department of Geography, Berzsenyi Dániel Teacher Training Centre, Eötvös Loránd University – Földrajzi kutatások Szombathelyen, az ELTE BDPK Földrajzi Tanszékén

Scroll down for English 8 rövid tudománynépszerűsítő előadás felvett videóanyagok formájában. Az “összefűzött” felvételek együtt jelentik a szombathelyi programot. Kezdés:…

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Digital Geostories: culture, modelli e tecnologie a confronto

Digital Geostories: culture, modelli e tecnologie a confronto Short presentation of the event: L’informazione geografica e la sua narrazione è…

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Adventure on a virtual geocaching tour – Kalandra fel! #GeoNightON 2021 – Virtuális Geocaching

Kalandra fel! #GeoNightON A Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem Gazdaságföldrajz Műhelye csatlakozik a nemzetközi Földrajz Éjszakája rendezvénysorozathoz. Ezúton szeretnénk minden kalandvágyó lelkű, földrajz…

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Earthquakes in Croatia – Potresi u Hrvatskoj

Earthquakes in Croatia – Potresi u Hrvatskoj Short presentation of the event: Nedavni jaki potresi u Hrvatskoj učenike i učenike…

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Understanding plate tectonics and volcanic activities

Understanding plate tectonics and volcanic activities Short presentation of the event: Ova radionica održat će se online zbog epidemiološke situacije….

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La didattica della Geografia per la formazione degli insegnanti di scuola primaria

 La didattica della Geografia per la formazione degli insegnanti di scuola primaria Breve presentazione dell’evento– In un mondo fortemente interconnesso,…

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Introduce Poland and say hello to Croatia!

Introduce Poland and say hello to Croatia! Short presentation of the event: We will meet students from Primary school from…

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Travel photography and movie / Fotografija in film za raziskovanje pokrajine

Travel photography and movie Fotografija in film za raziskovanje pokrajine Short presentation of the event: Spletno predavanje: Čas epidemije in…

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Lietuviška brydė: Europos nakties tiltas į Havajų dieną

Lietuviška brydė: Europos nakties tiltas į Havajų dieną Short presentation of the event: Planuojama nuotoliniu tiltu susijungti Lietuvos geografų draugijos…

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Local knowledge quiz at the High School of Tapolca, Hungary – Földrajz Éjszakája a tapolcai Batsányi János Gimnázium és Kollégiumban

Scroll down for English A Batsányi János Gimnázium és Kollégium csatlakozik a Földrajz Éjszakája 2021-es rendezvénysorozathoz. A helyi értékek, tájföldrajzi…

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View under the clouds – Pogled ispod oblaka

View under the clouds – Pogled ispod oblaka Short presentation of the event: Predavanje i radionica osmišljeni su za učenike…

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Playful object finder in virtual space – Játékos tárgykereső a virtuális térben

Playful object finder in virtual space – Játékos tárgykereső a virtuális térben Short presentation of the event: A Magyar Földrajzi…

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Proposals until Monday 08 March 2021, h. 24.00

This map is temporary: it represents the proposals received by h. 24.00 on March 8th 2021; the proposals have yet…

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Proposals until Sunday 28 February 2021

This map is temporary: it represents the proposals received by 22.30 on 28 February 2021; the proposals have yet to…

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Geographical imaginaries: Turin, city of waters more than rivers

Geographical imaginaries: Turin, city of waters more than rivers Immaginari geografici: Torino, città d’acque più che di fiumi Short presentation…

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Modernisation and urbanisation in Eastern Asia and their impact on climate change – Forman Balázs: Modernizáció és urbanizáció Kelet-Ázsiában és ezek hatása a klímaváltozásra

Scroll down for English Forman Balázs online előadása a Földrajz Éjszakáján A japán nagyvárosok az 1960-as végén szenvedték el a…

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My Night Lights PÉCS photo contest announcement of results – My Night Lights PÉCS fotopályázat általános-és középiskolásoknak – eredményhirdetés

A Pécsi Tudományegyetem Természettudományi Kar Földrajzi és Földtudományi Intézete csatlakozik a Földrajz Éjszakája eseményéhez. My Night Lights PÉCS fotopályázat általános-és…

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Aviles Virtual Tour

Avilés Virtual Tour Sp/En/Fr Short presentation of the event:  Visita virtual que describe la construcción del paisaje urbano de la…

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Post-Covid19 Geographies

Post-Covid19 Geographies Short presentation of the event: One of the words that defines 2020 is a pandemic – it literally…

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Discover the treasures of Sástó Lake! – geocaching – Fedezd fel Sástó kincseit! – geocaching

Scroll down for English Hazánk legmagasabban fekvő tavának környezetében a földrajzi környezethez kapcsolódó játékos feladatokat oldunk meg geoládák keresése közben….

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Geography night at the Museum of Geography – Notte della Geografia al Museo di Geografia

Geography night at the Museum of Geography – Notte della Geografia al Museo di Geografia   In occasione della Notte…

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Nearby landscapes and marginal destinations: intra-generational dialogues on post-Covid tourism. – Paesaggi di prossimità e destinazioni marginali: dialoghi intra-generazionali sul turismo post-Covid.

Nearby landscapes and marginal destinations: intra-generational dialogues on post-Covid tourism. – Paesaggi di prossimità e destinazioni marginali: dialoghi intra-generazionali sul…

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Best practice scolastiche per la transizione ecologica

Best practice scolastiche per la transizione ecologica Short presentation of the event: Divulgazione di nuove best practice indirizzate alla transizione…

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Captain Cook his achievements 1758-1779

  Captain Cook his achievements 1758-1779 Short presentation of the event: A display of maps, documents and books that offer…

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The lights of the city

The lights of the city Short presentation of the event: commented night walk through the city to contemplate its illuminated…

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Donka Attila: Local wandering in times of the pandemic – Donka Attila: Hazai kalandozások koronavírus idején

Scroll down for English Donka Attila: Hazai kalandozások koronavírus idején – online előadás A Kodolányi János Egyetem Turizmus Tanszéke, a…

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GeoNight 2021. Climate change and migrations. A geographical discussion between students and researchers.

Climate change and migrations. A geographical discussion between students and researchers. Short presentation of the event: On April 9, 2021,…

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What is geography? – Kaj je geografija?

What is geography? – Kaj je geografija? Short presentation of the event: Osrednji dogodek Zveze geografov Slovenije bo sestavljen iz…

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Local history games and events at the Gloriett Primary School of Sports – Helytörténeti vetélkedők és események a Gloriett Sportiskolai Általános Iskolában

Scroll down for English Gloriett Sportiskolai Általános Iskola által szervezett Földrajz Éjszakája program diákokat és szülőket igyekszik bevonni, és mindenkit…

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Teaching geography in a changing world

Teaching geography in a changing world Short presentation of the event: The program is expected to present possibilities in the…

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Among the Asian steppes and deserts – Wśród azjatyckich stepów i pustyń

  Wśród azjatyckich stepów i pustyń Among the Asian steppes and deserts          Zagraniczne wyprawy naukowo-krajoznawcze, organizowane w ramach…

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Online local knowledge game in Szekszárd – Online helyismereti-földrajzi játék Szekszárdról

A Tolna Megyei Illyés Gyula Könyvtár csatlakozik a Földrajz Éjszakája eseménysorozatához egy online helyismereti-földrajzi játékkal. A játékban a megye földrajzi érdekességeit…

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Le strade dell’Etna

Le strade dell’Etna Short presentation of the event: Trekking sui sentieri dell’Etna   Objectives: Event language: Italiano Country: Italia City:…

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Granada’s Geonight Short presentation of the event: The Granada’s Geonight focuses on the discussion of current problems of our society…

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Online presentations on Transcarpathia with local curiosities – Kárpátaljai témájú, helyi érdekességeket feldolgozó online előadások

Scroll down for English A Földrajz Éjszakája kárpátaljai rendezvénye 2021. április 9-én 17.00-kor (CET) veszi kezdetét. Nyolc kárpátaljai témájú, helyi…

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Saudi GeoNight

Saudi GeoNight Short presentation of the event: The event will take a vartiual trip around geographical sites in Saudi Arabia,…

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More adventures of the time-travelling detective – Az időutazó nyomozó újabb kalandjai

Scroll down for English Egy interaktív előadás a google meet segítségével. Témája: Őséletnyomok különböző természetes és antropogén környezetekben. További információ:…

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Cinema and Geography: from the Via Appia to Europe – Cinema e geografia: dalla Via Appia all’Europa

Cinema and Geography: from the Via Appia to Europe – Cinema e geografia: dalla Via Appia all’Europa Short presentation of…

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Noite da Geografia – Debate, Quizz e SIGs (Night of Geography – debate, Quizz and GIS)

Noite da Geografia – Debate, Quizz e SIGs (Night of Geography – debate, Quizz and GIS) Short presentation of the…

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Lecture by Aneta Marek – Aconcagua – in the shadow of the stone guardian – Prelekcja Anety Marek pt. Aconcagua – w cieniu kamiennego strażnika

Lecture by Aneta Marek – Aconcagua – in the shadow of the stone guardian – Prelekcja Anety Marek pt. Aconcagua…

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Night of Geography at the Unviersity of Pécs – Földrajz Éjszakája a Pécsi Tudományegyetemen

A Pécsi Tudományegyetem Természettudományi Kar Földrajzi és Földtudományi Intézete csatlakozik a Földrajz Éjszakája eseményéhez. Az előadások és események délután 6…

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The Vulnerable Mountain – La Montagna Fragile

Gli ultimi due decenni hanno visto emergere nella società europea un interesse crescente per i territori montani, divenuti oggetto di…

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The roaring 20s?

The roaring 20s? Short presentation of the event: Are we heading towards a post-pandemic boom period? Join us on GeoNight…

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Online presentations of the Special Collections at the Library of the University of Pécs – Pécsi Tudományegyetem Egyetemi Könyvtár és Tudásközpont Történeti Gyűjtemények Osztálya online előadásai

A Pécsi Tudományegyetem Egyetemi Könyvtár és Tudásközpont Történeti Gyűjtemények Osztálya csatlakozva a Földrajz Éjszakájához gyűjteményük földrajztudományhoz kapcsolódó dokumentumaiból, emlékeiből tart bemutatókat….

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Bunkers and water on the Night of Geography organized by Zsombó Rover – Bunkerek és víz a Földrajz Éjszakáján a Zsombói Vándor szervezésében

Scroll down for English Zsombó négyféle programot szervez a Földrajz Éjszakáján 2021-ben. 1. Virtuális fotópályázat, melynek témája a Víz, a…

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Nuit de la Géographie – Lyon

Nuit de la Géographie – Lyon Short presentation of the event: Des conférences, débats, expo, balades urbaines, quizz, se retrouver…

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Nuit de la géographie

Nuit de la géographie Short presentation of the event: Plusieurs évènements présentis (programme en construction): un mapathon et une conférence…

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Teraformiranje-ustvarjanje Zemlji podobnih pogojev na drugih telesih v vesolju: znanstvena fantastika ali realnost?

astronomija Short presentation of the event: Predavanje prof. Igorja Žiberne iz oddelka za geografijo FF UM o teraformiranju. Teraformiranje ali…

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Topofilia Ordizia

Topofilia Ordizia  Short presentation of the event: Presentación power point, con eslogan en francés All these questions are answered in…

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Tour to Zelemér from Hajdúböszörmény – Hajdúböszörmény – Zelemér: Csonkatorony túra

Scroll down for English: A Hajdúböszörményi Bethlen Gábor Általános Iskola Könyvtára április 10-én (szombaton) 9.00 órakor a hajdúböszörményi Kálvin tértől…

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Raccontare il territorio. Narrazioni geografiche a confronto

Raccontare il territorio. Narrazioni geografiche a confronto L’iniziativa proposta per la Notte della Geografia 2021 di Cagliari – che si…

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First Night of Geography at the University of Silesia in Katowice

First Night of Geography at the University of Silesia in Katowice Short presentation of the event: First Night of Geography…

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Proud of Geography

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Teachers speak! Geography in primary school: ideas, projects, experiences, problems – La parola agli insegnanti! La Geografia nella Scuola primaria: idee, progetti, esperienze, problemi

Teachers speak! Geography in primary school: ideas, projects, experiences, problems – La parola agli insegnanti! La Geografia nella Scuola primaria:…

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Walk on the globe – Pasivaikščiojimas gaubliu

Walk on the globe – Pasivaikščiojimas gaubliu Short presentation of the event: Renginys vyks nuotoliniu būdų per google meets platformą,…

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Night of Geography Benin – Nuit de Géographie Bénin

Night of Geography Benin – Nuit de Géographie Bénin Short presentation of the event: I- Contexte Lancée en 2017 par…

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How can I propose an event for GeoNight?

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GeoNight2021 in Bulgaria

GeoNight2021 in Bulgaria: Online presentations & Photo competition Short presentation of the event: The Bulgarian Geographical Society (BGS) in cooperation…

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We grew up on the river Nemunas – Mes prie Nemuno užaugę

We grew up on the river Nemunas – Mes prie Nemuno užaugę Short presentation of the event: “Mes prie Nemuno…

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Living with earthquakes

Living with earthquakes  Short presentation of the event: 1. Radionica i predavanje: Živjeti s potresima Učenici će kroz kratko uvodno…

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Belice punto zero

Belice punto zero Short presentation of the event: Produzione multimediale in memoria del catastrofico sisma che nel 1968 colpì la…

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MapoFaktura2021 #GastroFaktura

MapoFaktura2021 #GastroFaktura MapoFaktura 2021 is the second edition of the event – joint mapping in the Open Street Map. Tourism,…

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Women Geographers and Science/Geógrafas y Ciencia/Geògrafes i ciència

Women Geographers and Science Geógrafas y Ciencia/Geògrafes i Ciència Short presentation of the event: What does Geography study? Is it…

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How do we perceive our cities? A serious geo-game

How do we perceive our cities? Short presentation of the event: Digital has become part of our lives. Whether we…

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Sicilia e Covid 19

Sicilia e Covid-19 Short presentation of the event: Presentazione delle ricerche geografiche inerenti la diffusione del virus in Sicilia durante…

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“Faces of sand on the edge of the sea”. Orienting oneself through visual languages for a narration of the encounter with the Other Geo-cineforum on the docu-play #39 – “Volti di sabbia sull’orlo del mare” Orientarsi attraverso i linguaggi visuali per una narrazione dell’incontro con l’Altro Geo-cineforum sul docu-spettacolo #39

“Volti di sabbia in riva al mare”. Orientarsi attraverso linguaggi visivi per una narrazione dell’incontro con l’Altro Geo-cineforum nel docu-play…

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Paesaggi sonori

Paesaggi sonori Short presentation of the event: Percorsi sonori alla scoperta di una Sicilia da vedere e da ascoltare.  …

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Montagna: antichi sentieri per il futuro

Montagna: antichi sentieri per il futuro Breve presentazione dell’evento : L’Università degli Studi di Macerata, oramai da qualche anno, ha…

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On the border of three countries – A csodálatos Hármashatár

A szentgotthárdi Móra Ferenc Városi Könyvtár és Múzeum a Földrajz Éjszakáján egy online bemutató keretében ismerteti a látogatókat a három ország…

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Ecomusei siciliani

Ecomusei siciliani Short presentation of the event: Presentazione della rete degli ecomusei siciliani   Objectives: Event language: Italia Country: Italia…

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THE HERITAGE LANDSCAPE OF MADRID. View of La Cornisa from “Mirador Bajo de la Cuña Verde Latina”

THE HERITAGE LANDSCAPE OF MADRID. View of La Cornisa from “Mirador Bajo de la Cuña Verde Latina” Short presentation of…

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New spot for a pilgrim: The Downtown Parish Church of the Catholic Church of Hungary – A zarándokok új célpontja a pesti Belvárosi Főplébánia-templom

Scroll down for English A Budapest-Belvárosi Nagyboldogasszony Főplébánia-templom ismét csatlakozik a “Földrajz éjszakája” elnevezésű nemzetközi eseménysorozathoz. Tesszük ezt azért is,…

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Calais seen from above – Calais du dessus

Calais seen from above – Calais du dessus Short presentation of the event: Vulgarisation de la géohistoire/géographie de Calais grâce…

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Jedrska dilema energetske prihodnosti Slovenije

Dmgs večer: Jedrska dilema energetske prihodnosti Slovenije Društvo mladih geografov Slovenije vabi na okroglo mizo, kjer bo govora o gradnji…

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La nuit de la Géographie à Brioude

La nuit de la Géographie à Brioude Short presentation of the event: Pour le moment pas d’idée précise mais l’envie…

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Cheese tasting in Gyomaendrőd – with heart and soul – Sajtkóstolás Gyomaendrődön – szívvel, lélekkel

  Cheese tasting in Gyomaendrőd – with heart and soul – Sajtkóstolás Gyomaendrődön – szívvel, lélekkel Short presentation of the…

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GeoNight 2021 Events map


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Solar system – our home among stars

Solar system – our home among stars Short presentation of the event: There will be a lecture about the Earth…

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“Atraskime Nemuną kartu”

“Atraskime Nemuną kartu” Short presentation of the event: “Atraskime Nemuną kartu” skirtas pradinių klasių mokiniams. Renginys prasidės trumpa paskaita apie…

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Spatial structures of cities in Poland. An example of the city of Poznań / Пространственные структуры городов Польши. Пример города Познань – Struktury przestrzenne miast w Polsce. Przykład miasta Poznania

Spatial structures of cities in Poland. An example of the city of Poznań / Пространственные структуры городов Польши. Пример города…

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Experience reports on special places – Élménybeszámolók különleges helyekről

Scroll down for English Nemzetközi este négy előadással, amit geográfus, térképész és geológus szakemberek tartanak. Különleges helyeket mutnak be élménybeszámoló…

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Amiamo la natura

Amiamo la natura Short presentation of the event: Educazione ambientale per la scuola dell’infanzia e per la primaria.   Objectives:…

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Virtualna izložba učeničkih radova

Virtualna izložba učeničkih radova Short presentation of the event: Virtualna izložba radova učenika prvih razreda. Radovi su napravljeni u sklopu…

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Geography, travel and dissemination in the digital world

Geography, travel and dissemination in the digital world Short presentation of the event: The event would like to present the…

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Ponors of Bükk Plateau and the extreme temperatures – Bükk-fennsík töbrei és az extrém hőmérsékletek

Scroll down for English Online program előre felvett videókkal április 9-én (pénteken) a Földrajz Éjszakáján. A Bükkben 2021. február 13-án…

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Mapathon Missing Maps – YouthMappers UGB with CartONG – Mapathon Missing Maps – YouthMappers UGB avec CartONG

Mapathon Missing Maps – YouthMappers UGB with CartONG – Mapathon Missing Maps – YouthMappers UGB avec CartONG Short presentation of…

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Mapathon Missing Maps – Magellium with CartONG – Mapathon Missing Maps – Magellium avec CartONG

Mapathon Missing Maps – Magellium with CartONG – Mapathon Missing Maps – Magellium avec CartONG Short presentation of the event:…

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We like geography – Protų mūšis “Mums patinka geografija”

We like geography – Protų mūšis “Mums patinka geografija” Short presentation of the event: Protų mūšis, linksmieji geografiniai užsiėmimai ir…

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From cinderella to influencer: the redemption of geography in 10 objects. – Da cenerentola a influencer: il riscatto della geografia in 10 oggetti.

From cinderella to influencer: the redemption of geography in 10 objects. – Da cenerentola a influencer: il riscatto della geografia…

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Happy Birthday Albinelli! Una storia lunga 90 anni del Mercato storico di Modena

Happy Birthday Albinelli! A 90-year history of the most important market of Modena Buon Compleanno Albinelli! Una storia lunga 90…

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Pangéo Run Paris – Course d’orientation Pangéo

Pangéo Run Paris – Course d’orientation Pangéo Short presentation of the event: Le 9 avril 2021, Pangéo organise une course…

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A scuola senza zaino

A scuola senza zaino Short presentation of the event: Presentazione di nuove metodologie didattiche per l’insegnamento della geografia a scuola…

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A geotermikus energiahasznosítás itthon és a világban

A geotermikus energiahasznosítás itthon és a világban Short presentation of the event: A geotermikus energia fontosságának, alkalmazási lehetőségeinek, geofizikai feltételeinek,…

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Mapathon Missing Maps – Ecole Centrale Lyon & ENISE avec CartONG

Mapathon Missing Maps – Ecole Centrale Lyon & ENISE avec CartONG Short presentation of the event: Un mapathon est un…

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GeoNight in progress – 2

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Lithuanian landscape photo competition – Lietuvos kraštovaizdžio nuotraukų konkursas

Lithuanian landscape photo competition – Lietuvos kraštovaizdžio nuotraukų konkursas Short presentation of the event: The National Visitors’ Center of Protected…

Special edition "Dalla mappa al GIS"
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“From necessity to virtue(al)”. Special edition of the Seminar Dalla mappa al GIS – “Di necessità virtù(ale)”. Edizione straordinaria del Seminario di studi storico-cartografici “Dalla mappa al GIS”

The “Giuseppe Caraci” geocartographical Laboratory of the Department of Humanities of the Roma Tre University, in collaboration with the Italian…

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Geography at 1st Sight : Knowing landforms and its connection for safety life

Geography at 1st Sight : Knowing landforms and its connection for safety life Short presentation of the event: Made an…

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Incursioni geografiche

Incursioni geografiche Short presentation of the event: Scambio virtuale di docenti tra classi di geografia   Objectives: Event language: Italia…

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Blood in mobiles: Short lecture with a documentary film (Krev v mobilech: krátká přednáška s promítáním)

Blood in mobiles: Short lecture with a documentary film / Krev v mobile: Krátká přednáška s promítáním Date and time:…

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Don’t call us mappamondi! Geo-cartographic heritage of Balbidue – Non chiamateci mappamondi! Patrimonio geo-cartografico di Balbidue

  Don’t call us mappamondi! Geo-cartographic heritage of Balbidue – Non chiamateci mappamondi! Patrimonio geo-cartografico di Balbidue Short presentation of…

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Living with the Volcano on the Merapi (Indonesia) – Conférence-débat. Vivre avec le volcan sur le Merapi (Indonésie)

Living with the Volcano on the Merapi (Indonesia) – Conférence-débat. Vivre avec le volcan sur le Merapi (Indonésie) Short presentation…

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Online presentation on the collection of maps at the National Library of Debrecen – “A’ Főld öt részeinek lerajzolása” – Böngéssz a DEENK térképei és útleírásai között!

Scroll down for English A Debreceni Egyetem Egyetemi és Nemzeti Könyvtár állományában lévő országos és nemzetközi szinten is értékes, egyedi…

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Geography = …

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Mapathon Missing Maps – Université Toulouse 2 with CartONG – Mapathon Missing Maps – Université Toulouse 2 avec CartONG

Mapathon Missing Maps – Université Toulouse 2 with CartONG – Mapathon Missing Maps – Université Toulouse 2 avec CartONG Short…

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Local knowledge quiz of Hajdúböszörmény – Hajdúböszörménnyel kapcsolatos online kvízjáték

Scroll down for English A Hajdúböszörményi Bethlen Gábor Általános Iskola Könyvtára április 9-én (pénteken), a Földrajz Éjszakájára online helyismereti kvízjátékra…

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El reto del quehacer geográfico en Venezuela

El reto del quehacer geográfico en Venezuela   RESEÑA DEL EVENTO Este evento celebrado online la noche del viernes 9…

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Henri Desplanques and the Umbrian countryside: changes and persistence in the last half century. – Henri Desplanques e le Campagne umbre: mezzo secolo e oltre di paesaggio rurale tra cambiamenti e persistenze.

Henri Desplanques and the Umbrian countryside: changes and persistence in the last half century. – Henri Desplanques e le Campagne…

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How to find the auroras yourself? – Jak samemu znaleźć zorzę polarną?

How to find the auroras yourself? – Jak samemu znaleźć zorzę polarną? Short presentation of the event: Prowadząca: Natalia Szczerba…

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Tenerife: island of volcanoes, endemics, and eternal spring (Tenerife: ostrov vulkánů, endemitů a věčného jara)

Tenerife: island of volcanoes, endemics, and eternal spring (Tenerife: ostrov vulkánů, endemitů a věčného jara) Date and time: 9. 4….

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Two months in Russia (Dva měsíce v Rusku)

Two months in Russia (Dva měsíce v Rusku) Date and time: 9. 4. 2021, 19:30 CEST Short presentation of the…

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Meeting with famous geographers of Azerbaijan

GeoNight Short presentation of the event: A meeting of students and young geographers with famous geographers of Azerbaijan and authors…

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Gymkhana fotográfica “La Sevilla de Magallanes”

Gymkhana fotográfica “La Sevilla de Magallanes” Short presentation of the event: This event consists of a photographic gymkhana focused on…

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Borneo GeoCamp 2021

Borneo GeoCamp 2021 Short presentation of the event: Made camping events while celebrating geonight in the mountains of south kalimantan…

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Let’s take GeoNight to Mars ;)

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L’antica meridiana orizzontale – il sole e lo spazio

L’antica meridiana orizzontale – il sole e lo spazio Short presentation of the event: VISITA ALLA MERIDIANA – CON LA…

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Mindennek van határa… De hol a határ?!

Mindennek van határa… De hol a határ?! Short presentation of the event: Könnyed gondolkodás a határok változó jelentőségű, mégis meghatározó…

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Analysis and visualisation of Google Location data (Analýza a vizualizace dat Google Location)

Analysis and visualisation of Google Location data Date and time: 9. 4. 2021, 20:00 CEST Short presentation of the event:…

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Mitigation of desertification processes Calabria, Italy – Mitigazione dei processi di desertificazione in Calabria

Mitigazione dei processi di desertificazione in Calabria (Italia) in aree ad elevata vulnerabilità   Breve presentazione dell’evento : Il documentario…

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Propose an event for the 2022 GeoNight Edition


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Barriers for water tourism and navigation development in Curonian lagoon region – Vandens turizmo ir laivybos kliūtys Kuršių marių regione

Barriers for water tourism and navigation development in Curonian lagoon region – Vandens turizmo ir laivybos kliūtys Kuršių marių regione…

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The sparklingly beautiful world of minerals – Az ásványok szikrázóan szép világa

Scroll down for English: A csurgói Csokonai Vitéz Mihály Református Gimnázium, Általános Iskola és Kollégium Könyvtára április 9-én (pénteken), a…

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Landscape and cultural heritage in Campania: resources and criticalities – Paesaggio e beni culturali in Campania: risorse e criticità

Landscape and cultural heritage in Campania: resources and criticalities – Paesaggio e beni culturali in Campania: risorse e criticità Short…

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a greeting from the organizers

Unfortunately this screenshot photographed only part of the organizers, but a greeting and a thank you to all of them!…

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International GeoNight Talk, Indonesia and Taiwan Partnership

International GeoNight Talk, Indonesia and Taiwan Partnership Short presentation of the event: Since 2020, the Department of Geography Universitas Negeri…

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A light spring roaming in the “Gate” of Börzsöny Hill – Könnyű tavaszi barangolás a Börzsöny „kapujában”

Scroll down for English Kb. max. 10 km gyalogtúra változatos, szépségekben gazdag terepen, kevés emelkedővel. 1. útvonal: Királyrétről a Hiúz-ház…

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Esperienze didattiche sul territorio: il caso di Pollenza ed il caso di Rimni

Esperienze didattiche sul territorio: il caso di Pollenza ed il caso di Rimini Short presentation of the event: L’evento si…

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Introducing the newly published book titled titled Mappae Comitatuum Transilvaniae – Online Bemutató a Mappæ Comitatuum Transylvaniae címen megjelentetett térképészeti kiadványról

Scroll down for English Az ELTE Egyetemi Könyvtár és Levéltár csatlakozván a Földrajz Éjszakája programsorozathoz online mutatja be Mappae Comitatuum…

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Il patrimonio di una città: Vassallaggi

Il patrimonio di una città: il sito archeologico di Vassallaggi Short presentation of the event: Alla scoperta virtuale del sito…

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Karnataka is not just some thing! – Karnataka ni “kar neki tko”

Karnataka ni “kar neki tko” (oglejte si posnetek na Youtube-u) (Karnataka is not just some thing watch the recording on…

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Bhuratri Geonight

Bhuratri Geonight Short presentation of the event: A ppt will be shared online on the depleting state of water bodies…

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Everyday mobilities in pandemic times (canceled)

Everyday mobilities in pandemic times (canceled) Short presentation of the event: Presentation of the preliminary findings on the everyday mobilities…

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Geography of Hungary – differently – Magyarország földrajza másképpen

Geography of Hungary – differently – Magyarország földrajza másképpen Short presentation of the event: Az új szemléletű földrajztanítás bemutatása az…

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Pacha Mama – Mother Earth – Madre Terra

Pacha Mama – Mother Earth – Madre Terra Short presentation of the event: Per il quarto anno consecutivo l’Associazione Italiana…

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Canadian Geographic Education – Quiz Night

Canadian Geographic Education Quiz Night Short presentation of the event: The event will be a geography-themed quiz night, hosted by…

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By the Embankment of River Neris. The Geography and History of Capital’s Artery – Neries krantu. Miesto arterijos geografija ir istorija

By the Embankment of River Neris. The Geography and History of Capital’s Artery/ Neries krantu. Miesto arterijos geografija ir istorija…

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The Saints of Geography – A Földrajz szentjei

Scroll down for English A földrajzi nevekhez, helyekhez és a szentekhez kapcsolódó kvízjáték, mely magyar és angol nyelven Európa-szerte kitölthető…

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Paesaggi su due piedi: camminare come pratica educativa | Landscapes in one’s track: walking as educational practice

      Corso di Laurea magistrale in Scienze per il paesaggio         presentano Paesaggi su due…

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GIS and Biogeography applications in southwest Asia species and endemics conservation

GIS and Biogeography of the Iranian Plateau and conservation status of the region Short presentation of the event: Talks and…

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Climate change and city: urban micro-climate, sustainability, climate justice – Il clima che cambia, in città: microclima urbano, sostenibilità, giustizia climatica

Climate change and city: urban micro-climate, sustainability, climate justice – Il clima che cambia, in città: microclima urbano, sostenibilità, giustizia…

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A geonautical aperitif in cyberspace, discussing innovative ways for geographical discourse from “Geonauti!”: a geo-comic book/video – Aperitivo geonautico. Un aperitivo insieme nel cyberspazio, discutendo di “Geonauti!”: un “viaggio a fumetti” attorno all’Accademia dei Fisiocritici.

A geonautical aperitif. Sip a drink together in cyberspace, discussing innovative ways for geographical discourse from “Geonauts!”: a comic book…

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Early evening tour to the highest point of Nyíregyháza called Geri Hill – Koraesti túra Nyíregyháza legmagasabb pontjához a Geri-dombhoz (jó)

Early evening tour to the highest point of Nyíregyháza called Geri Hill – Koraesti túra Nyíregyháza legmagasabb pontjához a Geri-dombhoz…

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Inspired by the night sky – Ispirati dal cielo notturno

Inspired by the night sky – Ispirati dal cielo notturno Short presentation of the event: Un percorso scientifico e letterario…

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Geography of Cape Town: from Geology to People

Geography of Cape Town: from Geology to People Short presentation of the event: Exploring the geography of Cape Town –…

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Introduce Croatia and say hello to Poland!

Introduce Croatia and say hello to Poland! Short presentation of the event: We will meet students from Primary school in…

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How are weather forecasts made? (Jak se tvoří předpověď počasí?)

How are weather forecasts made? Date and time: 9. 4. 2021, 20:30 CEST Short presentation of the event: ENG: This…

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GeoNight 2022

This is the website of GeoNight 2022 (1 April 2022) Until the updates (end of February 2022), the websites shows…

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GeoNight 2021 Global Map

[The map you see here is about the 2019 edition. Click for more info] when all the proposed events are…

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About GeoNight

La Nuit de la Géographie / GeoNight In 2017, the French National Geographical Committee (CNFG) initiated the first « Nuit…

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How will this site look?

After the “event proposal” stage, this site will host a page for each event. The page will be edited directly…

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Propose an event (form in Croatian language)


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Propose an event (form in English language)


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Propose an event (form in French language)


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Propose an event (form in Hungarian language)


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Propose an event (form in Italian language)


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Propose an event (form in Lithuanian language)


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Propose an event (form in Polish language)


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Propose an event (form in Slovenian language)
